Must Do’s When Interviewing Potential Employees

Interviewing Potential Employees

As an employer, you want to get the most out of the interview process to assist you in selecting the best candidate for the position. A successful interview helps you gain valuable insights to ensure you hire the right person for the job. Effective interviewing is a complex undertaking. What are the essentials of interviewing potential employees? What are the dos of dialoguing with potential hires?

  • Do some research: Ask the employee who will be directly supervising the new hire for information on the skills most needed for the position. Decide which of these abilities are essential. Consider what other skills are desirable. 
  • Do be prepared: Read the candidate’s resume, keeping a copy with you during the interview. Note information on the resume that you wish clarified. Review submitted work samples. Check the candidate’s social media account(s) and contact their references. Be clear regarding the role you are interviewing to fill and the benefits and/or perks of the position. Prepare a list of questions and a list of the qualifications you prefer. Refresh your knowledge of your company’s mission and structure.
  • Do put candidates at ease: To ensure you witness what the candidate is like on a daily basis, as opposed to under pressure, be warm and friendly, putting the candidate at ease. 
  • Do be methodical: To improve the effectiveness of the meeting, structure your interview. Ask the candidate all the questions you prepared. Focus on the potential employee’s answers, setting aside judgements. Rate answers with a consistent scale. Take notes. Having a defined structure makes comparing the interviews of different candidates and the hiring decision easier. 
  • Do move the right candidates forward quickly: Evaluate applicants, checking for unconscious bias. Quickly move those that appear right for the position to the next step of the process.  
  • Do reduce your biases: Unconscious biases cloud judgment, leading to poor decisions. Become aware of your predispositions, personal concerns, preferences and the experiences that formed them. Resist the urge to make decisions about a candidate before the end of the interview. Be aware that non-verbal cues vary from culture to culture. Have a team member assist in interviews to help you make more informed and objective hiring decisions.
  • Do learn from your mistakes: Keep records and monitor the results of your hiring strategies. Establish quality of hire metrics. Ask more experienced recruiters and/or interviewers for advice. Attend interview training and/or workshops.  
  • Do see candidates in action: Sometimes potential hires have an impressive resume and polished interviewing skills but are not actually strong candidates. Sometimes a candidate is stronger than their resume and/or answering skills indicate. Employ exercises and simulations to assist you in seeing a candidate’s real-life responses and strengths. 
  • Do end interviews professionally: Complete the interview by telling the candidate about the next steps in the hiring process. Let them know when they can expect to hear from you and how you will make the contact.

Good candidates have options! You want the candidate you choose to accept your offer. Effective interviewing involves planning, active listening skills and structure.  Make sure you do your research, are prepared, consistent and welcoming. Check your biases. Practice your techniques and learn from your mistakes. If you find the interviewing process too complex and time-consuming, consider using an agency. They have the knowledge, skills and talent networks to assist you in your quest to find the best hire. 

Need expert advice and assistance when interviewing potential employees? Call the Calgary recruiting agency, Equation Staffing Solutions at 1-844-367-9618. We are a reliable, innovative, collaborative agency here to support you in your search for a position and/or personnel. Our experience will assist you! Contact us today.