How to Create a Resume That Will Get Noticed

Create a Unique Resume

Recruiters see hundreds of resumes a day! Since they can’t read them all, you have only a few seconds to capture their attention and avoid ending up at the bottom of the pile. You need to create a resume that connects with recruiters, one that stands out to potential employers. The following are some tips for writing a standout resume that will get a second look. 

  • Keep the design simple: In most circumstances, a clean, simple layout is best.
    • Use clear headings in bold type, capital letters and/or a different colour.
    • Leave plenty of white space.
    • Skip the graphics, pie charts, and illustrations.
    • Use an easy-to-read typeface in a formal and modern style.
    • Use the same font throughout the document.
    • Keep your font size between 10 and 12 pt.
    • Go for single or 1.15 line spacing.
    • Use a double space before and after each heading.
    • Go for a single page, including only relevant details.
    • Use brief, action-oriented sentences that describe your role. Make every word count.
  • Use keywords to help you get through the automated applicant tracking and filtering systems commonly used. Keywords should be relevant to the job profile written for the position you are applying for. Place them in the skills section, work history and summary.
  • Customize your resume: Gone are the days of a generic resume that works for all job applications. Customize your CV for each position applied for by including the qualifications and skills the company values. Read the job description carefully. Create a prominent skills section, listing skills that match the requirements of the job. Utilize the exact language used in the job ad. Include soft skills (ie. communication, time management) and hard skills (ie. software or technical expertise).
  • Provide a summary statement that explains the value you bring. Place it at the top of the resume, beneath your header. Use it to offer a quick snapshot of your experience and qualifications. Make it brief; no more than 3 to 5 sentences. You have only a few seconds to convince the recruiter to read more deeply.
  • Include a cover letter: A cover letter allows you to highlight the experience that makes you suited for the job. Take the time to discover the name of the recruiter and address the reader with their name and title. Research the company to better understand the organization’s needs, values and interests. Use your cover letter to explain how you can contribute to these areas 
  • Use your connections: The goal is to get your resume read. If you know someone who can help that happen, reach out to them. Referrals are a large source of new hires. 
  • Share your achievements: List quantifiable achievements, actively describing your accomplishments rather than just your responsibilities. Use numbers to help them understand just how successful you have been. (In my past role, I led a team of 6 employees to increase revenue by 20%.)
  • Proofread carefully for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and readability issues. Even a tiny typo can land your resume in the recycle bin.

Create a resume that showcases your skills, is clear and concise, uses keywords and is customized to the position applied for. Create a cover letter and proofread it carefully before submitting. Use your connections when possible. A great resume will capture attention and is your ticket into the job you desire!

Need expert advice and assistance finding the best position for you? Need help creating a resume that captures attention? Call the Calgary recruiting agency, Equation Staffing Solutions at 1-844-367-9618. We are a reliable, innovative, collaborative agency here to support you in your search for a position and/or personnel. Our experience will assist you! Contact us today.